March 2020 | New Moon in Aries
disclaimer | this post includes (some) discussion of covid-19 and if you are not in a space to want to read about it, please be cautious.
keywords | assertive, motivated, creative, determined, disciplined, direct, bold, active, independent, initiative, leadership, confident, passionate.
the aries full moon stations at 4’; mars conjunct pluto (increase in covid-19 death toll, courage to embrace rebirth or transformation of self, the building intensity of current circumstances, frustration) and jupiter in capricorn (tension/fear rises, expansion of control and order through authority/military, power struggles, expansion of ambition and drive), saturn in aquarius (shifting from old systems to new, embracing a new reality/new vision for the future), moon conjunct chiron (the rush to cure physical health, healing karmic wounds, old feelings, and collective trauma), and mars conjunct saturn (more shutdowns, lockdowns)
aries is ruler of the 1st house, which is the house of self. this includes the physical body (image, health), identity (sense of self, personality), inner qualities (confidence, self-esteem, aspects of the ego), temperament (values, attitude, instincts), your approach to life (outlook on life) and how each of these impact your life (projections).
so the theme of this aries new moon calls us to get to know ourselves in a new light and awaken to a new beginning internally and externally; redefine our identity now that some of us dont have a title to attach to due to unemployment, evolve our self (expand your potential and rise above ego based behavior/thoughts), reclaim our self-worth (take back power that you’ve given away), re-evaluate the things we once valued now that we’re left to make do with what we have (find happiness within instead of outside yourself), discover a new purpose now that we’re forced into quarantine/self-isolation, create a new routine or plan for the future for ourselves now that we’re experiencing less freedom to move, acknowledge our light and tap into it (the fire within us; exude self-confidence and self-esteem with everything we do despite external distractions), self-awareness (being mindful of what we’re projecting onto others due to the impact of our current circumstances), detach from outdated beliefs about ourselves because the person we once were can no longer live up to who you need to be in this present moment, and change our perspective on life since the world is shifting at a drastically fast pace.
show yourself some love. speak highly of yourself. upgrade yourself. live authentically. show off your individuality. treat your body with respect and love. get some sun. plan your next step. make a list of goals you want to accomplish in the next 3 months. create boundaries. be great. step out of your comfort zone. think outside of the box. embrace change. stay calm. burn off your dead weight. avoid impulsive actions. be receptive to new information/ideas. expect the unexpected. make goals that you are passionate about. be excited about your endeavors. be confident, not cocky. do things that light the fire inside of you. access your personal power. be in control of your own life. lead, do not follow. be selfish, but considerate of others
giving too much energy to your fears: transmute your fear into a way of discovering a new perspective on the things youre fearing such as security and stability
creating unnecessary conflicts: tread lightly with heated discussions.
impulsive reactions and responses: avoid jumping the gun such as panic buying or spending your money (highly advise saving your money and pulling some out of your bank to stash)
resisting the changes taking place around you: resistance will only create more feelings of struggle.
being brash and selfish: now is a time to acknowledge what role you would like to play in your community and the way you’re projecting yourself onto others. i know our root chakras are activated and we’re in survival mode, but being considerate of others can take you a long way.
being impatient: learn to trust the process and allow things to unfold as they should. this aries new moon is here to teach us about divine timing.
hot-tempers: we’re in aries season with cosmic events in mars, which can up the tension and conflict, so be conscious of your energy.
courage to step into a new beginning
release outdated beliefs about yourself
a new connection with money
stability and security during these hard times
creating a new future out of the chaos surrounding us
release blockages such as fear and belief in scarcity
visual exercise:
our bodies are symbolic to a home. the spine is our body's central support structure that connects the skeletal system to one another, which is very similar to what a foundation does. it supports the home and connects everything together. without a stable foundation, it can compromise the home and cause it to collapse. our chakra system is also located along the spine, starting at the base to the crown of our head. when our external reality is undergoing pure chaos and we absorb the negative energy from it through an emotional response, it travels throughout each chakra system, creating physical and emotional symptoms within our mind and body that disrupt the foundation of our home (our body).
so think: what can you do to avoid disrupting the energy in your home? do you change the way you respond to your external influences? what can you do to avoid compromising the structure of your home? do you change the way you treat your body?
aries new moon reading
theme: (lxxvi) kairos
outdated beliefs about yourself
your fear of change
to rest and sleep
the kairos card appears when time seems to be standing still and im not sure if this resonates with everyone, but there has been an eery stillness every time i had to go out to the grocery store. im able to acknowledge that time is moving, but it seems like it’s moving at a pace that feels... pleasantly strange. almost natural, yet uncertain.
so with the energy of the kairos card, we are being reminded that sometimes the life we had for ourselves or the plans we expected to follow through with are no longer on our time. now, we're surrendering to diving timing and when you’re on diving timing, you allow spirit to lead you and you trust the process. you align with whatever is thrown onto your path because it is for you to experience at the end of the day. in this case, what’s going on is for all of us to experience. it is meant to raise our collective consciousness in some form; separation of individuals leads to unity.
this is why some of you have been experiencing synchronicities such as seeing sacred numbers (angel numbers).
we’re all jumping into uncharted waters; radical shifts leading us into the unknown, so spirit is asking you to not resist or deny these changes, but to embrace it and find your place admist the chaos. i know this is not what you want to experience, but when something is out of our control, we are taught to change the way we move. hence the saying,
“when you cant control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. thats where your power is.”
so during this time, although aries is a action oriented sign (a sign that needs to keep moving), we need to slow down and evaluate our self. we need to shed off behaviors, patterns, and thoughts that will help us make it through these hard times. this is where the action and drive should be placed.
take lead of your life despite the distractions surrounding us because at this point, we are only in control of ourselves and if we’re expecting our current circumstances to have a long-term effect, we need to create a new beginning around it. there is something we all can work on to make use of this aries energy and with us being in isolation, now is a good time to embrace change and every form of change. resisting and denying will only invite more feelings of struggle into your space.
with saturn (authority), pluto (power), mars (war) in capricorn, it’s very possible the push for martial law will be in place within the next two weeks.
saturn conjunct pluto in capricorn (january) was destroying old systems (government and financially), but saturn entering aquarius will initiate new systems (rules, laws) conjunct mars in aquarius (on the 31st) may create violence or an uproar due to the orders being placed or lack of help within the communities.